Another Phlebology - Symposium on Practical Questions

Miejsce: Budapeszt, Węgry

Termin: 2014-10-10 - 2014-10-11

Organizator: Hungarian Venous Forum

Dear Colleagues,

It is my great pleasure to invite you to a special conference: Another Phlebology. By this

we mean a different approach to the subject, a friendly discussion forum where debates

are led by well-known expert moderators.

We invite presentations on less fashionable phlebological theories and techniques: not

necessarily completely new ones, but which are not widely known and accepted. These

could include new ideas and works in progress without strong supportive evidence, but

in which some personal experience has been acquired. Tips in solving everyday problems

could also be valuable contributions.

Topics: venous pathophysiology and diagnostics, compression treatment, sclerotherapy,

foam sclerotherapy, classic, haemodynamic and ablative surgery of varicose veins, valve

issues and solutions, thrombosis, post-thrombotic complications and their treatment, interventions,

various techniques for different purposes, varia.

We hope that everybody interested in venous issues can benefit from this lively exchange

of scientific practice and clinical experience.


We look forward to seeing you in Budapest.


Imre Bihari MD, PhD

Chair of the Symposium



Please send your email address or abstract if you are interested in the meeting to


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