ESVS Academy

Miejsce: Hamburg, Niemcy

Termin: 2019-09-25 - 2019-09-26

Organizator: ESVS

Dear colleague,

Dear friend,

I would like you to draw your attention to the ESVS Academy program during the annual ESVS meeting in Hamburg in September 25th-26th 2019.

The ESVS Academy has created an extensive and high-quality program with more than 60 workshops and/or interactive case discussions in Hamburg. These events may not only be interesting for trainees, residents or nurses but also for experienced vascular specialists. All workshops are run by renowned experts in the field and enthusiastic educators. We focus on most areas of our speciality: endovascular, open vascular and diagnostic skills, but have also included more unconventional topics like carrier planning, how to make a good application, basic biomechanics and how to optimize your patient before surgery.

The ESVS academy guarantees that the educational and scientific content are of high-quality and with minimal commercial bias. UEMS representatives will randomly also visit the workshops in Hamburg to ensure that the objectives of the workshop are being met with sufficient opportunities for hands-on, interaction and supervision.

We also support the preparation for the FEBVS exam with several short focused workshop or interactive case discussions. To ease the overview we have created “Academy Learning Paths”.Please browse and get inspired!

We look forward to welcome you and your colleagues in Hamburg.

Link to the “scientific and academy programme”:

Link to “Academy Learning Paths”:


Best regards,

Adam Zieliński

Member of the ESVS Academy, Convenor of Venous Workshops

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